
Reference Sires  →  Berkshires →  THE BEAST


The Beast

Party Boy x Shrek

Bred By: Jeff & Brendan Peters

We wanted to find a Berkshire boar that would be a monster, a animal, a creature…and in every sense of the word….A BEAST!!!

– THE BEAST…is like no other Berkshire boars we have seen in a while…Is he “Trendy Fronted? NO”…Is he designed like a “Sleek Profiling Snake? NO”…WHAT HE IS…HE IS AN ABSOLUTE MONSTER ON TRUE STOUTNESS OF BONE, SKULL AND MORE MASS AND DIMENSION THAN ANYTHING OUT THERE!!!

– When your Berks get frail, narrow and have no power…USE THE BEAST…When your Berks get straight fronted and have no flexibility…USE THE BEAST…When you’re tired of trying to get them to the right amount of fill and have somewhat of a natural growth pattern…USE THE BEAST!!!

– We see THE BEAST, being a boar to use not only on Berkshires but Crossbred females as well…He has enough bone, shape and boldness about him to make some really interesting offspring.

– Will see use here at LVS and the Peters Farm!!!