Oh Yeah!!!
Unashamed x Cruel Intentions x Heart Breaker
Bred By: Wehmer Showpigs
Owned With: PS Showpigs
- We wanted to find a boar this summer that was…DIFFERENT…EXTREME…
EXPLOSIVE…IMPACTFUL…AND A GAME CHANGER TO OUR CROSS BOAR LINEUP….WE FOUND HIM AT WEHMERS!!! - Shares the same mother as Limbs…and we all know this sows ability to throw…Big Footed, Big Legged Ones…And OH YEAH!!! is no exception!!!
- OH YEAH!!! Has a lot of “RAW POWER” a term that we have long forgotten in the showpig world…As a “Smarter Person” than me once said…”Would You Rather Breed It Into Them…Or Spend A Fortune Trying To Feed It Into Them?”
- OH YEAH’S skeleton is flexible and he has plenty of reach and go…Other boars that have this much shape are often “Roachy” in their top-line and “Compact” in their movement…NOT OH YEAH!!! he has a “FLEXIBLE SPINE” and a “SMOOTH STRIDE”
- When we picked up our STC Duroc purchase from Wehmer…This one in their outside pen run caught our eye right away…OH YEAH!!!
- We anticipate a lot of semen orders on OH YEAH!!! Don’t waste time waiting on Overrun or Leftovers on him…You Might Miss Out!!! PS Showpigs will be using him on some of their best sows and gilts…Thank You Amanda & Greg for teaming up with us to purchase OH YEAH!!!