
Sires  →  Yorkshires4TH GEN


4th Gen

Old School Cool x Finishing Touches

Bred By: Bona Vista Farm

  • 4TH Gen…Is the culmination of years and years of trial and error…of success and failure…of blood, sweat and tears…The Bona Vista Family lives and breathes purebred swine. And we at LVS are proud to have him in stud!!!
  • A “HUGE” foot size that leads into a “FLEXIBLE” skeleton…Something that the Yorkshire breed needs…There are so many coarse skeletons in the Yorkshire breed right now…4TH GEN will fix a lot of issues!!!
  • MAKING YORKS COMPETITIVE AGAIN…I am tired of hearing that there are no York boars out there to make the breed compete against the other breeds anymore…WELL HERE HE IS…HE IS EVERYTHING THAT YOU NEED TO MAKE THEM!!!
  • Kevin Wendt made a great point when this one sold at STC…The Bona Vista Family…Do it right…Letting the hogs be hogs…letting the best surface to the top…There are so many supplements, so many feeds, and so many tricks to make them right…WHY NOT JUST START BY BREEDING THE ONES THAT ARE RIGHT FROM THE START!!!
  • A “MASSIVE” top-line with a “SQUARE” even hip…That is “LONG” and “TRUE” to his make and design…4TH GEN is no doubt a boar that will breed the best of him into his offspring.